Monday, September 15, 2008

Part 2: The beginning of our journey

Putting the funding engine in place

I believe that in order to do something significant, one must first have a funding engine. My training in business during my past job made me take a more realistic view as idealism can only go so far.

I started investing and mentoring some small startups in the hope that they will be successful so that my share of these profits can be used to move my post retirement objectives forward. Initially, my plan was to contribute towards helping the poor and less fortunate. However, something happened along this journey that modified my thinking. I realized that helping the less fortunate, although a good thing, especially if others in the same situation as me are also galvanized, is not enough.

But what good is giving charity when our life support system is dying? It is a protracted losing battle at best.

Hence, began my journey into realizing my passion for not just farming but sustainable farming. It began with that ‘fated’ introduction to Mr Ooi, the mushroom man.

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